excitement & happiness.

so life has been the same for me, but it feels like im so excited for no apparent reason. maybe its because the school year is almost over, but these days ive been mostly happy. or it could be because of some the news friends i made these past weeks. i joined more forums since […]

Posted at 11:24 pm on April 13, 2010 | 11 comments | Filed Under: Mood - Lovely | Continue reading


i just really need to start sleeping early. since most of the times im not because of homework and subbing it really looks like i need to end up giving up something in the end. but until then, looks like there is going to be no quitting around. and esp. with the most recent subbing […]

Posted at 8:43 pm on March 1, 2010 | 6 comments | Filed Under: Mood - Tired | Tagged: | Continue reading

real stories never have endings because it continues // officially established 02.11.2010 // this blog will be personally for my use. to blog about my life. my loves. my dislikes. my moods. my stress. [nulsaranghae : i love you]